Sunday 8 March 2015


So, it's been a long while since I've updated this space. Six months may seem like a short time, but so much has changed.

As the new year began, I made a promise to myself that I would chase after the things that I love and what makes me happy. Three months in, and though I wouldn't use the phrase 'so far, so good', I would say things can only get better from here.

Photo courtesy of @the_keygs
One of the things I do love, but rarely have the chance to do so, is traveling. It's especially difficult for people in my industry to go on vacations, much less multiple ones! At the start of the year, I went on a much needed holiday to Boracay with some close friends from church. It was the first time traveling with this bunch that was not a mission trip up to Thailand, so that was pretty awesome :)

Looking forward into the next few months, I'd be traveling a little more too. Batam, Chiangmai, and *maybe* Phuket :)

Work-wise, I've more or less settled into my new job, which I'm pretty contented with at this point in time. It's flexible enough for me to have the occasional dinners with friends to catch up, to attend church and lifegroup, or to travel overseas, so that's always good. I feel very fortunate to have found a line of work that I love, and it's a very surreal situation to be in.

I've picked up reading again. It's been a very long while since I bought a book off the shelf. I miss the feeling of being immersed in a book, an escape from reality, to make me forget for a little while. Definitely hope I'll continue to pick up new books along the way, so please feel free to recommend me on any good reads you might have in mind! :)

Most importantly, I've started doing my quiet time daily again. Something happened a few years back, which gradually made me stop doing my QT altogether, just because. So I'm glad I'm back on track, even though it took me years to regain my foothold again.

I guess these are most of the things I've decided to chase after this year. There have been other things that I love and makes me happy, which I've tried to chase after too. But sometimes love does not equate to happiness; love involves the occasional heartaches. Things will get better though, over time.

Okay I don't know what to say anymore, but hopefully this update will just serve as a reminder to myself that this space still exists in this virtual world.



    1. HEEHEE YES GIMME GIMME! I recently bought Fragile Things by him! Haven't started on that though!
